Children always holds a special place in our heart and we look upon them as the bearers of our nation’s future. CGSO employees of the Administrative and General Services, and Supplies and Procurement Division headed by Dr. Chris John Rener Torralba holds a “I am for the children” feeding program for pre-schoolers of Ubujan Daku Day Care Center on Valentines Day. This is the third “GUGMA para sa TAGB” volunteering activity. CGSO is grateful to Mayor Baba Yap, FL Jane Yap and Gugma Tagbilaran, Ubujan Barangay Captain Mary Jane Ruiz and Day Care Worker Desiree Glory Villaceran.
No government funds were used for the feeding and gift giving activity, as the CGSO head and employees contributed to the purchase of the food and vegetables out of their own personal pockets. The employees themselves also cooked the packed meals. We are thankful to FL Jane Yap and Gugma Tagbilaran for the donation of rice packs.